Brazil: CETIM denounces the dismantling of public services and the political persecutions


CETIM, in collaboration with the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), the Transnational Institute (TNI), the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Friends of the Earth International and FIAN International, intervened at the UN to denounce the violations and irregularities committed by the government of Brazil.

In the framework of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, the CETIM made a statement in the plenary session, calling upon the Brazilian government to end human rights violations committed in the country since the 2016 coup d’état. The CETIM underlined that Brazil is obliged to respect its international and national obligations. In this sense, it has to rescind all laws and conduct that violate the Constitution, the international human rights law and the fundamental rights of the Brazilian people.

The declaration has been co-sponsored by twenty other civil society organizations.

To see Raffaele Morgantini of CETIM delivering the statement at the UN, click here.

To read the statement in English, click here.


Our statement has been picked up by many media and information sites. Here are a few examples.,na-onu-entidades-denunciam-risco-de-exclusao-de-lula-das-eleicoes,70002227034

Grupo de ONGs denuncia na ONU ataque a direitos no Brasil e perseguição a Lula

ONGs denunciam na ONU golpe de 2016, desmonte de direitos humanos e perseguição a Lula,944145/na-entidades-denunciam-risco-de-exclusao-de-lula-das-eleicoes.shtml

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