
CETIM’s actions, with its partners in the field, in favour of the Palestinian people

Palestine: anatomy of the genocide

The human rights situation of Palestinians was at the heart of the 55th session of the Human Rights Council. The report by the Special Rapporteur, Francesca Albanese, was highly commended. Entitled The Anatomy of a Genocide1, this well-documented report analyses the ongoing war in Gaza. According to the Rapporteur, “historical patterns of genocide demonstrate that […]

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Palestine: no food sovereignty without national sovereignty

The Union of Agricultural Work Committees (a Palestinian peasant organisation and member of La Via Campesina), CETIM and FIAN International conducted a week of advocacy in support of the Palestinian people’s struggle against Israeli colonialist and genocidal oppression. This campaign took place from 5 to 11 March 2024, on the occasion of the 55th session […]

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CETIM’s Declarations at the UN

During the 47th (21st June – 13th July) and the 48th (13th September – 8th October) sessions of the Human Rights Council, CETIM submitted different declarations, which are presented below. The Repression and Violation of Human Rights in Palestine CETIM and the Union of Agriculture Work Committees Palestine issued a declaration denouncing the repression and […]

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