CETIM defends victims of human rights violations in the Global South. It supports their representatives in gaining access to and obtaining the intervention of the United Nations protection mechanisms, where required.
Several mechanisms can be activated at the United Nations to get concrete improvements on the ground, in particular the Human Rights Council, the United Nations Special Rapporteurs and the committees that monitor the implementation of the human rights treaties.
CETIM mainly works with peasant organizations, trade unions and organizations representing victims or communities affected by transnational corporations operations.
During the last twenty years, transnational corporations (TNCs) have acquired unprecedented economic, financial and political power. Markets and capital globalization, which has been mostly profitable to these companies, has allowed for further concentration of their capital and production means, creating oligopolistical situations. Their activities cover all sectors . They can choose where and how to […]
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The Europe-Third World Centre (CETIM) wishes to inform the Sub-Commission of its concerns in regard to the alarming human rights situation in Brazil, particularly for rural inhabitants. Brazil is a country of 165 million inhabitants, as such representing the fifth largest population in the world and the fifth largest national territory. Although tremendously rich in […]
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Under the guise of globalisation – which is presented as inevitable and irremediable – a deeply inegalitarian and anti-democratic society is imposing and reinforcing itself, multiplying outcasts and oppressed people, in the North as well as in the South. The present development of this globalisation, under the neoliberal leadership, does not lead to equal opportunities, […]
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The mainstream economic paradigm espouses liberalization of international trade as a means to development. In the field of agriculture, the Agreement on Agriculture that has been implemented under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the single most significant step that has ever been taken in this direction. Five years after this agreement […]
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In a context of non-existent or seriously inadequate national and international legislation regulating the activities of transnational corporations (TNCs), CETIM reiterates its concern about massive violations of human rights brought about by these corporations, with cooperation from States of the North and the South alike. The oil sector provides eloquent examples of this. Considering that […]
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