CETIM declarations on economic, social and cultural rights

In the following pages, you will find CETIM’s English declarations to the UN on the theme of economic, social and cultural rights


CETIM’s interventions at the UN

As an association acting as an interface between partner organisations and the UN international system, CETIM has continued to make use of the UN’s mechanisms for the protection of human rights in relation to different situations and specific violations. Here are some extracts. Repression, racism et rights violations of indigenous communities in Bogotá CETIM and […]

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Impact of unilateral coercive measures

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 48th session The negative humanitarian effects of unilateral sanctions have worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. They represent a clear obstacle to the ability to fight COVID-19 as they affect (in some cases even contribute to dismantle) the economic apparatus of the targeted countries and their capacity to procure certain goods and technologies, […]

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