CETIM declarations on the rights of peasants

In the following pages, you will find CETIM’s English declarations to the UN on the theme of the rights of peasants


Ending the discrimination against peasants

Mr. President, I am Henry Saragih, general coordinator of La Via Campesina. La Via Campesina is global movement and organisations of peasants based in many countries including in Senegal, India, Switzerland, France, Spain, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, Mali, and many more. We have about 200 millions member which participated actively in La Via Campesina. On behalf […]

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Universal Periodic Review on Turkey

[During its sitting on 21 May 2012, the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs took note of the fact that the two-year suspension of the CETIM’s consultative status would end in July 2012. During the same sitting, Turkey (which had requested this sanction against the CETIM) declared that it would not oppose the restitution of its status […]

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Rights of Peasants: ending the discrimination against peasants

I am Henry Saragih, general-secretary of La Vìa Campesina. I am coming here, on behalf of La Vìa Campesina and the CETIM to congrulate for the works of the Advisory Committee on establishing the groundwork of promotion and protection of rights of peasants. As now come into official report of the Advisory Committee, the peasants […]

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