CETIM statements on the impunity of transnational corporations

In the following pages, you will find CETIM’s English declarations at the UN on the theme of impunity of transnational corporations


Human rights violations committed by Australian corporation OceanaGold

UN Human Rights Council – 31st session Item 6 : consideration of the UPR report for Australia Mr. President, We welcome the decision of Australia to adopt the recommendation made by Ecuador, which stated the need, and I quote, “to strengthen the normative framework for the protection of human rights, including the monitoring of, investigation into […]

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Binding norms to end impunity of TNCs

The time has come for the Human Rights Council to adopt binding norms to end the impunity of transnational corporations! Countries and peoples of the Global South are the main victims of the asymmetry in the international system. We cannot rely on self-regulation and voluntary codes of conduct to discipline the most powerful actors in the global economy today.

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