CETIM statements on the impunity of transnational corporations

In the following pages, you will find CETIM’s English declarations at the UN on the theme of impunity of transnational corporations


Mining and Human Rights Violations in Colombia: The Case of Anglo Gold Ashanti vs the Afri-descendant Community of La Toma (Cauca)

Anglo Gold Ashanti is trying to start mining activities in the ancestral territories of Afro-descendant communities in La Toma (Cauca) in Colombia. These communities oppose the project that threatens the environment and their livelihoods. They are victims of multiple human rights violations. The Constitutional Court has ruled in their favor, but the Colombian government is not implementing the ruling, quite the contrary.

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Mining projects in El Salvador and impunity, violations of human rights, democracy and national sovereigny

The mining project of Oceana Gold (formerly Pacific Rim) in El Salvador threatens the environment and the livelihoods of communities, Local populations oppose the project and are victims of human rights violations. The government has refused to allow the project to continue and is now being sued by Oceana Gold at the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The company is demanding 300 million dollars in compensation.

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Binding Norms for Transnational Corporations

Thank you Mr. Ambassador. The CETIM is an organization based in Geneva that was created fourty years ago to promote a more equitable international system and fairer North-South relations. Since its creation, it is actively engaged in the promotion of human rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights, and the right to development. It […]

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