Did you say free trade ?


Reading notes

Did you say free trade ?

The Economic Partnership  Agreement European Union – West Africa

By Jacques Berthelot

Preface by Mamadou Cissokho and Ken Ukaoha

This book provides a detailed analyis of European Union (EU) trade policy with West Africa (around fifteen countries).

Published in June 2018, it contains up to date information that reveals the serious threat that this trade policy represents to already fragile economies. It would result in the loss of 76 % of their customs revenue on importations from the EU, a large increase in unemployment and loss of productivity in their own industries.

Source of despair for young Africans, a further boost to clandestine migration, shipwrecks and . . . the extreme right wing in Europe ?

Who said to govern means to predict ?

The book is written by a renowned expert, specialist in agricultural policy, university professor, retired from the Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique, Toulouse). The book is addressed to readers who are keen to grasp the technical aspects of this curious and inappropriately named Economic Partnership Agreement (APE).

Available from l’Harmattan, ISBN : 978-2-343-15043-7, in paperback (€ 17.50, 160 pages) and electronic version. 



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