Environmental justice

Oil exploitation, logging, drilling, toxic waste. The irresponsibility of multinationals is devastating the planet and its inhabitants.

For more than 50 years, CETIM has denounced the destruction of our environment. It supports the struggles of indigenous peoples and peasants to (re)assert their sovereignty over

    • their living environments
    • their natural resources
    • their way of life and to face
    • and to confront the stranglehold of transnational corporations with the agreement of the States.


Toxic wastes

Other documents and links

Use of Depleted Uranium Weaponry

The above-listed non-governmental organizations are deeply concerned by the degradation of the economic, social and sanitary conditions in Iraq as a result of the embargo, and by the effects the contamination caused by the use of depleted uranium weaponry has on the population and the environment in Iraq. For these reasons, they organized a conference […]

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The Chad-Cameroon oil and pipeline project and its impact on the enjoyment of human rights

In a context of non-existent or seriously inadequate national and international legislation regulating the activities of transnational corporations (TNCs), CETIM reiterates its concern about massive violations of human rights brought about by these corporations, with cooperation from States of the North and the South alike. The oil sector provides eloquent examples of this. Considering that […]

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The Hurricane Mitch: beyond Natural Catastrophe

Between October 25th and November 2nd, Central America has suffered a natural disaster caused by hurricane « Mitch », which produced an real economic and social disaster for certain countries of the region : Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala. Added to the thousands of deaths and wounded, there are hundreds of thousands of victims who […]

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