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WTO as a pillar of the predatory trading system

On 11 June 2022, an international demonstration is being organised by La Vía Campesina and a large number of other organisations and social movements to denounce the neoliberal policies promoted by the WTO and its impacts on the peasantry. In the context of this mobilisation, the newspaper Vorwärts and its French-speaking counterpart Voix populaire interviewed […]

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Colombia: Complaint to UN mechanisms about the violation of peasants’ rights

PRESS RELEASE Geneva, May 19, 2022 – FENSUAGRO, La Via Campesina, CETIM, Friends of the Earth International, and FIAN International submitted a report to the UN special mechanisms to denounce the violations and repression against the Colombian peasantry, in particular the persecution of the National Agricultural Trade Union Federation (FENSUAGRO)[1]. The issue of access to […]

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The Rights of Peasants: A juridical and political lever to challenge the power of transnational corporations

Agriculture, and more generally, food production, has been mankind’s principal activity since its very first settlements. Under the pretence of feeding mankind, from the nineteenth century onwards, this activity has become industrialised (through mechanisation, the ‘green revolution’, the intensive use of chemicals and digitalisation), which allowed, at least initially, increases in production.

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