These publications are available for free download
Melik Özden
2023 – 414 pages
Unlike the electronic version, the printed book will unfortunately only be available in French. Click here to download a free PDF of book ‘Economic, social and cultural rights: a legal lever in the fight for social justice’. At a time when the world’s multidimensional crisis is plunging billions of persons into poverty, when almost half of humanity is unable to satisfy their essential needs, even as inequalities continue to grow steadily, the fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights is more than ever urgent.
Lire la suiteMelik Özden
2016 – 112 pages
Multinationals with great economic and political power violate human rights, very often, with almost total impunity. These entities escape legal action. This publication demonstrates the necessity and urgency of having a binding international instrument to sanction those multinationals responsible. CETIM’s publication also highlights how important it is to enable the victims to obtain compensation.
Lire la suiteMelik Özden
2014 – 102 pages
The recognition of the right to land, a historic demand by peasant movements throughout the world, is gaining momentum at the international level. This publication takes stock of this major issue of our times. It is the result of major research and inquiry, and the fruit of close collaboration with La Vía Campesina…
Lire la suiteMelik Özden et Simon Brunschwig
2013 – 56 pages
Through cultural rights, it is not only the issue of cultural diversity and participation to cultural life that is addressed, but also access to scientific progress and education, the protection of intellectual property and academic liberty.
Lire la suiteMelik Özden
2012 – 64 pages
Social security is a system of social services intended to counter risks and uncertainties that arise within society. A product of the industrial era and linked to employment, it was initially intended to respond to certain pressing needs, and to institutionalize solidarity within society lest individuals be obliged to depend on charity.
Lire la suiteMelik Özden
2011 – 64 pages
The right to non-discrimination emanates from the general postulate of the equal dignity of human beings, which has been affirmed by the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as by all international human rights instruments.
Lire la suiteMelik Özden et Christophe Golay
2010 – 64 pages
This right is a pillar of contemporary international law. Since the entry into force of the UN in 1945, it has constituted the legal and political basis of the process of decolonization, which witnessed the birth of over 60 new states in the second half of the twentieth century.
Lire la suiteMelik Özden
2009 – 64 pages
Education is very often seen as a means of attaining other objectives (such as a better job or increased earnings) and that education as a human right in and of itself is often lost sight of .
Lire la suiteMelik Özden
2008 – 64 pages
Work is essential for everybody in the organization of contemporary society. It not only contributes to the formation of the individual, but it is also necessary if one is to be able to support oneself and one’s family, make and keep social contacts and fulfill one’s duties .
Lire la suiteMelik Özden
2007 – 48 pages
When one speaks of foreign (or external) debt, one is referring to the indebtedness of those countries called “Third World” countries (or the South), particularly since the nineteen sixties. While the amount of the debt was US$ 70 billion in 1970, in 35 years .
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