A point that is widely debated these days is whether national sovereignty should be supported. For the author, this question of strategy is the subject of serious misunderstandings as long as its class dimension is not identified.
In fact, in capitalist societies, the dominant social block always conceives of national sovereignty as an instrument to promote its class interests. One thus understands why the national discourse praising the virtues of sovereignty – all while hiding the class interests that it serves – has always been unacceptable to those who defend the working classes.
However, we must not reduce the defense of sovereignty to this single element. This defense is no less decisive for the protection of a people’s alternative. It even constitutes the fundamental requirement of any advances in this direction.
The agrarian question, access to land for all and food sovereignty are at the heart of the problems to be tackled. And peasant agriculture is the only way forward for the future!
Regarding the author: director of theThird World Forum (TWF) in Dakar and president of the World Forum for Alternatives (WFA), economist, militant, professor Samir Aminis the author of dozens of books and articles, most translated into many languages. To cite just three: The Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism; The Law of Worldwide Value; Russia and the Long Transition from Capitalism to Socialism.
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