Reform of the UN: Comments and Proposals


By publishing his report on the reform of the United Nations, on the 21st of March, the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan caused quite a stir.


Statements at the UN

Articles and statements

Reports of K. Annan

Entitled ‘In Larger Freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all’ the document starts impressively, however, the contents hardly live up to the title’s promise.

In fact, although the Secretary-General wishes to undertake a complete reform of the United Nations system, a careful reading of his report shows that his proposals do not address any of the UN’s fundamental problems.

The proposals concerning the enlargement of the Security Council amount to mere cosmetic measures and do nothing to further its democratization.

Regarding his vision for development, Kofi Annan fails to mention the triumvirate of the IMF/WTO/World Bank that dictates the economic policies of member states, the consequences of which undermine state sovereignty and are catastrophic for the majority of humanity.

Finally, it seems that the UN human rights mechanisms will ultimately bear the burden of all this shuffling.

Moreover, the ratification process for these proposals is difficult questionable, given how the Secretary-General is pressing member states to adopt his proposals as rapidly as possible so that he can submit them to heads of state when they meet in New York in September at the follow-up meeting to the Millennium Summit. Now, given the issues, it is necessary that the people debate the reform proposals and that the reforms not remain the exclusive preserve of the diplomats.

Of course, it is widely acknowledged that the United Nations is in need of reform . Nevertheless, it seems to us that the proposed reforms are inadequate as we intend to demonstrate in our publications, statements and position papers as presented bellow. This campaign is developed with the American Association of Jurists (AAJ).
  Statements at the UN
  Published articles
  Report and addendums of Kofi Annan
Comments and proposals by AAJ and CETIM about the report of the Secretary-General, K. Annan, on the UN Reform - Document / Position Paper (2005)
ONU : droits pour tous ou loi du plus fort ? Regards militants sur les Nations Unies (2005)
Building on Quicksand: The Global Compact, democratic governance and Nestlé (2003)
Statements at the UN
A propos des Rapports des Groupes de travail sur les institutions. CoDH (4ème session)
Mise en place des nouvelles procédures spéciales. CoDH (3ème session)
Contenu de l'Examen périodique universel. CoDH (3ème session)
Mise en place du nouveau mécanisme de plainte. CoDH (3ème session)
Mise en place du nouvel examen périodique universel. CoDH (3ème session)
Mise en place du nouvel organe d'experts. CoDH (3ème session)
Remarks and opinions concerning the new Human Rights Council. Human Rights Council-HRC 2006
Grave and imminent threats to the United Nations human rights system. CHR 2006
Réformes de l'ONU et avenir de la Sous-Commission des droits de l'homme. SCDH 2005
Comments on the Secretary-General’s report on the reform of the UN. SCHR 2005
Critiques et propositions du CETIM sur la réforme de la Commission des droits de l'homme. CDH 2005
The situation in Iraq, since the recent invasion, is characterized by an accumulation of human rights violations, without precedent, since the end of the second world war. CHR 2005
Criticism of the resolution 1546 (2004), of the Security Council. SCHR 2004
Interventions militaires unilatérales: l'ONU se doit de réagir! CDH 2004
La résolution 1483 du Conseil de sécurité. SCDH 2003
La Resolución 1483 del Consejo de Seguridad. SCDH 2003
Articles and statements
Bulletin 28 (format A3/pdf - printing landscape and recto-verso)
Bulletin 26 (format A3/pdf - printing landscape and recto-verso)

"Commission sabordée, Conseil bloqué, les droits humains oubliés ?"

Article du CETIM in le quotidien suisse Le Courrier - 15 mars 2006 (pdf)

Discours de Eric Toussaint du CADTM à propos de la réforme de l'ONU lors de l'Université d'Attac 2005 (pdf)
"La transfomation de l'ONU ne tombera pas du ciel", interview de Samir Amin in le quotidien Le Courrier - 5 juin 2005 (pdf)
"Un mauvais diagnostic entraîne de mauvais remèdes", published article from CETIM in the newspaper Le Courrier - 17/05/2005   [ pdf version in French]
"Le bilan de la Commission n'est pas si mauvais", published article from CETIM in the newspaper Le Courrier - 04/05/2002   [ jpeg version in French]    [ pdf version in French]
Report and addendums of Kofi Annan
“In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” - Report of the Secretary-General (A/59/2005)
Addendum to the report of the Secretary-General on the Human Rights Council (A/59/2005/Add1)
Addendum to the report of the Secretary-General on the Peacebuilding Commission (A/59/2005/Add2)
Addendum to the report of the Secretary-General : the Plan of action submitted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/59/2005/Add3)
Site of partner
American Association of Jurists
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - WILPF
Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples - MRAP