Consequences of the international financial institutions' policies and the southern countries' external debt


IMF and World Bank have led the way to WTO
Policy reorientation at the end of the 1970s, with the development of monetarism and neoliberalism, has recasted the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank into stronger instruments of "global governance".
The financial crises of the 1980s and 1990s in Latin America and Asia, and their problems with debt repayment, increased the ability of international capital to force domestic restructuring on economies that had been attempting alternative developments paths.
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Structural adjustment programs of the IMF and World Bank have opened the domestic markets of the countries under international trusteeship to transnational corporations and have ensured that these countries would repay their debt to the Northern States, the international institutions and the private creditors.

These policies, which have led the way to WTO, are only perpetuating the cycle of dependence and worsening poverty as CETIM has stated in many studies and declarations showing the situation of the people of concern.

For the cancellation of the Third World debt
The Third World debt must be cancelled and every mobilisation aiming at it has to be encouraged. Furthermore, this struggle must be accompanied in each countries in debt with audits on the origins of the debt and its components.

This debt did not come out of the blue. The latter has often been called "objectionable debt" used for the perpetuation of crimes against humanity, the establishment of apartheid regime or dictatorships, and the execution of genocides… It should not only be cancelled but the persons in charge of it, lenders and borrowers, should also be criminally prosecuted. In other cases, the only purpose of the loans was to "kick-start the economy" using active corruptions and phoney projects. Anyway, the Third World debt has been more than reimbursed by usurious rates.

All these issues should be meticulously analysed by audits done for example by research institutions following appeals of people's movements. It would be clear that without talking of historical reparations linked to proslavery, the American "conquista" or others, the debt is probably going widely in the opposite way…
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Debt and Human Rights

Part of a series of the Human Rights Programme of the CETIM (2007)

Let's launch an enquiry into the debt! A manual on how to organise audits on Third World debts

Joint piblication (2006)

ONU : droits pour tous ou loi du plus fort ? Regards militants sur les Nations Unies

Joint publication (2005)

Vía Campesina. une alternative paysanne à la mondialisation néolibérale
Joint publication (2002)

FMI : les peuples entrent en résistance
Joint publication (2000)

AMI: Attention, un accord peut en cacher un autre!
T. CLARKE, L. WALLACH, S. GEORGE et al (1998)

La finance contre les peuples. La bourse ou la vie
E. TOUSSAINT (1998, update 2004)

Statements at the UN
Developing countries’ external debt. HRCo 2007
The fight against poverty and the millennium development goals. HRC 2006
G8 et annulation de la dette extérieure. HRSC 2005
A propos de la dette extérieure des pays du Sud. HRC 2005
"Fighting Poverty" : Alibi of the Globalizers. HRC 2005
Good Governance against Good Government? HRC 2004

Realisation of the Right to health. HRC 2003

La question de la dette extérieure des pays africains. HRC 2001
Agricultural Reform in Brazil and this social Consequences. HRSC 2000
Economic Globalization and democracy. HRSC 2000
The question of external debt of southern countries. HRC 2000
Extreme poverty. HRC 2000
Land concentration in Brazil : a politics of poverty. HRSC 1999
The Hurricane Mitch:beyond Natural Catastrophe. HRC 1999

Dette extérieure des pays du Sud et équité. HRC 1999

Dettes odieuses : le cas du Rwanda. CDH 1997
Organisations internationales, droits humains et business. HRC 1996
Dette du tiers monde. HRC 1996

Programmes d'ajustement structurel. HRC 1995

Dette extérieure : légitimité et coresponsabilité. HRC 1994

More related documents
Effects of debt on human rights - Working paper. HRSC 2004 (pdf)
Sites of partners
American Association of Jurists - AAJ
Attac France
Association internationale de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheur - AITEC
Auditoria Cidadã da dívida - Brasil
Centro de derechos ecónomicos y sociales - CDES
Committee for the abolition of the third world debt - CADTM
Jubilee South
International Debt Observatory
Rede Jubileu Sul - Brasil
Other sites

Campagne française pour la réforme des institutions financières internationales

Jubilee Iraq