Racism, migrations and politics of asylum

Whereas the free movement of goods and capital has been imposed as an imperative of neo-liberal globalization, the free movement of persons is firmly resisted and severely punished. The security systems that have been thus set up make a mockery of freedom of movement for all those who have not had the good fortune to possess a European, Swiss, United States or similar passport.

But can one speak of "free" movement of human beings when the majority of migrants and asylum seekers flee under threat and constraint? And can one expect to reach this goal without attacking the very roots of the evil, the authoritarian violence of those who hold power and a development model that is profoundly unequal and inhuman?

Statements at the UN
More related documents
Sites of partners
Other sites
Your comments

Travail forcé: façon helvétique? Recherche sur le travail forcé et la traite des personnes en Suisse
Ph. SAUVIN (2004)
Fuir le chaos: Témoignages de demandeurs d’asile mineurs
R. JOLY et Collectif (1997)
Europe, montrez patte blanche: les nouvelles frontières du "laboratoire Schengen"
Coordination Asile Suisse, MODS, Coordination Asile Vaud, préf. de Lode van Outrive (1993)
L'asile dans notre quotidien: discours populaire sur les réfugiés
Regards blancs sur visages noirs
G. RIST, C. LALIVE, ill. par Plantu (1978)
Statements at the UN

Déclaration à la Conférence de suivi de Durban

Conférence de suivi sur le racisme 2009

DURBAN I: One step forward DURBAN II: One step backward?

Durban Review Conference on racism 2009

Why do the NATO powers consider DURBAN I to have been a failure and fear a similar outcome for DURBAN II?

Durban Review Conference on racism 2009

Rapatriements forcés sous couvert de lutte contre le terrorisme

CDH 2003

Lutte contre le terrorisme et respect des droits de l'homme

SCDH 2002

Changing Asylum and Immigration Policies, the Threat to Democracy in the European Union after September 11 and the Situation of Kurdish Refugees in the UK

HRSC 2002

Comments on the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (WCAR)

HRC 2002

El derecho a circular libremente y a elegir su residencia el desplazamiento forzado interno viola estos derechos y afecta gravemente ostros, en especial los derechos economicos, sociales y culturales

CDH 2001

Droit d’Asile en Suisse et en Allemagne

SCDH 1998

Racisme et Apartheid aux Etats-Unis

CDH 1997

More related documents
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families - Adopted by General Assembly resolution 45/158 of 18 December 1990 (OHCHR Website)
Sites of partners
Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l'amitié entre les peuples (MRAP)

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

Other sites
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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