Consequences of unilateral measures and economic sanctions


The insidious consequences of economic sanctions and embargos are well known. These consequences, adversely affecting innocent populations in contradiction to the goals proclaimed by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the international human rights conventions, the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their two protocols, indeed, the downright illegal character of the measures behind them, have been denounced by numerous UN experts and observers. Most deplorable is that protection of human rights is invoked in order to justify such measures. Nonetheless, peoples' basic rights are violated daily by these actions. Iraq, which was under embargo between 1992 and 2003, and Cuba, which has been under unilateral embargo since 1962, are particularly salient examples of the pernicious effects that these sanctions and measures bring in their wake.

Statements at the UN
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Statements at the UN

The United States tightens its anti-Cuban blockade: new curtailment of freedoms. HRSC 2004

The effects of the US embargo against Cuba and the reasons of the urgent need to lift it. HRSC 2003
L'après 11 septembre : offensive généralisée contre les droits et libertés et accélération de la militarisation de la planète. SCDH 2003
Después del 11 de setiembre: ofensiva generalizada contra los derechos y libertades y aceleración de la militarización del planeta. SCDH 2003
La pretensión de darle apariencia de legalidad internacional a la dominación neocolonial, a la ocupación extranjera y a la violación del derecho de los pueblos a su libre determinación. CDH 2003
Guerre contre le terrorisme et violation de la charte des Nations Unies. CDH 2002
Embargos contre Cuba et l'Irak. CDH 2001
Critique de la Commission d’indemnisation des Nations unies pour l’Irak. SCDH 2001
Use of Depleted Uranium Weaponry. HRC 2000
More related documents
The adverse consequences of economic sanctions on the enjoyment of human rights - Working paper HRSC 2000
The relationship between economic sanctions and respect for economic, social and
cultural rights - CESCR General Observations N°8 (1997)
Sites of partners
American Association of Jurists (AAJ)

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