"; if (!eregi("^[_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,5}$", $email)) $warning .= "Incorrect e-mail address !
"; if(!isset($warning)){ $subject="Inscription à la mailing list du CETIM"; $body .= "> Demande en anglais

"; $body .= ""; $body .= "Inscription à la mailing list du CETIM
"; $body .= "

"; $body .="Nom: ".$name."
"; $body .="Organisation: ".$org."
"; $body .="Email: ".$email."

"; $body .="Remarques:

"; $body .="Je souhaite être informé sur :
"; if ($conf==1) $body .= "- les conférences du CETIM à Genève
"; if ($camp==1) $body .= "- les campagnes menées par le CETIM
"; if ($pub==1) $body .= "- la dernière publication du CETIM
"; mail($email_default,$subject,$body,"From: contact@cetim.ch\r\n"."MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"."Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n","-r contact@cetim.ch"); $status = "ok"; } } ?> CETIM - Centre Europe - Tiers Monde
Subscribe to the CETIM's mailing list

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Email *

I whish to subscribe to*

> the local event list (in French only)

To be informed about public events (conferences, debates, demonstrations etc.) of the CETIM in Geneva.

Around 6 emails per year

> the publications list (in French only)

To be informed about the new books of the CETIM on North-South relations and development issues (PubliCetim collection, Pensées d'hier pour demain collection etc.)

Around 10 emails per year

> the human rights list (in English, French and Spanish)

To be informed about the human rights related activities of the CETIM (campaigns in favor of new international norms on the rights of peasants and transnational corporations, submission of cases of human rights violations and release of new publications in the human rights serie)

Around 6 emails per year


(*) mandatory fields