CETIM's human rights publication series was launched in 2005 with the objective of contributing to the information and training of all those engaged in the struggle for the respect and advancement of these rights. Conceived as educational guides, those publications analyze the content and scope of international legal texts (conventions, treaties, declarations, etc.) and the practice and obligations of states. They also present existing complaint mechanisms (at the national, regional and international levels) and provide concrete examples of jurisprudence.
All those publications are available in three languages (French, English and Spanish).
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right to land
pages | 2014
The recognition of the right to land, a historic demand by peasant
movements throughout the world, is gaining momentum at the international
level. This publication takes stock of this major issue of our times.
It is the result of major research and inquiry, and the fruit of
close collaboration with La Vía Campesina... |
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Cultural rights
pages | 2013
Through cultural rights, it is not only the issue of cultural
diversity and participation to cultural life that is addressed,
but also access to scientific progress and education, the protection
of intellectual property and academic liberty... |
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right to social security
pages | 2012
Social security is a system of social services intended to counter
risks and uncertainties that arise within society. A product of
the industrial era and linked to employment, it was initially intended
to respond to certain pressing needs, and to institutionalize solidarity
within society lest individuals be obliged to depend on charity... |
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right to non-discrimination
64 pages | 2011
The right to non-discrimination emanates from the general postulate
of the equal dignity of human beings, which has been affirmed by
the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights as well as by all international human rights instruments... |
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right of peoples to self-determination
to permanent sovereignty over their natural resources seen from
a human rights perspective
pages | 2010
right is a pillar of contemporary international law. Since the entry
into force of the UN in 1945, it has constituted the legal and political
basis of the process of decolonization, which witnessed the birth
of over 60 new states in the second half of the twentieth century...
right to education
64 pages | 2009
Education is very often seen as a means of attaining other objectives
(such as a better job or increased earnings) and that education
as a human right in and of itself is often lost sight of ... |
right to work
64 pages | 2008
Work is essential for everybody in the organization of contemporary
society. It not only contributes to the formation of the individual,
but it is also necessary if one is to be able to support oneself
and one's family, make and keep social contacts and fulfill one's
duties ... |
on terrorism and respect for human rights
56 pages | 2007
Since the beginning of this new millennium, terms such as terrorist,
terrorism, fight against terrorism, etc. are part of everyone's
daily life even if nobody knows exactly what is hidden behind such
terms, or whether they are used adequately or not ... |
and human rights
48 pages | 2007
When one speaks of foreign (or external) debt, one is referring
to the indebtedness of those countries called “Third World” countries
(or the South), particularly since the nineteen sixties. While the
amount of the debt was US$ 70 billion in 1970, in 35 years ... |
right to housing
60 pages | 2007
The right to adequate housing is a universal right, recognized
at the international level and in more than one hundred national
constitutions throughout the world. It is a right recognized as
valid for every individual person ... |
right to development
40 pages | 2007
The last decade has been marked by an unprecedented increase
in inequalities and a spectacular growth of the gap between
“developed” countries and those of the Third World as well as the
growth of a gap within countries themselves ... |
displaced persons
48 pages | 2007
Although forbidden by international humanitarian law and defined
by the Statute of Rome (the International Criminal Court) as a “crime
against humanity” (art 7.2.d), forced displacements are still
largely practiced in our time during armed conflict and in various
... |
right to health
64 pages | 2006
At first glance, it might seem misplaced to speak of health
as a right when ever increasing segments of the world's population
are witnessing a steady degradation in the state of their health,
to the point where their very existence is threatened ... |
case for a protocol to the ICESCR !
40 pages | 2006
In paragraph 3 of the common preamble to the two International
Conventions of Human Rights – the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights – the states parties acknowledge ... |
corporations and human rights
74 pages | 2005
Transnational corporations (TNCs) continue to reinforce their
hold on the natural resources of the planet, dictating their agendas
to the weakest countries and exploiting their peoples. Directly
or indirectly, they bear an enormous responsibility for the deterioration
of the environment and for the systematic increase of human rights
violations ... |
right to food
53 pages | 2005
The right to food is a human right. It is universal, acknowledged
at the national, regional and international level, and applies to
every person and group of persons. Currently, however, some 852
million persons throughout the world are seriously –and permanently–
... |