Transnational Corporations

Transnational corporations (TNCs) have become major and powerful actors.

The activities of transnational corporations are a source of multiple human rights violations

In many cases, especially when victims are from the Global South, impunity prevails. TNCs are indeed able to evade national jurisdictions because of the unprecedented economic, financial and political power they command, their transnational character, their economic and legal flexibility and the complex structures they use to carry on their activities.

Since the late 90s, the CETIM is firmly committed to ending the impunity of transnational corporations  and ensuring access to justice for the victims of their activities. The CETIM supports social movements, trade unions and organizations representing victims and affected  communities from the Global South in their efforts to access the UN human rights protection mechanisms. And the CETIM is involved to their sides in the campaign for new binding international norms to end impunity, providing its support for their participation in the negotiations and the presentation of their proposals.

Stop TNCs impunity Campaign

Access to justice for victims of TNCs


To read: the last CETIM’s bulletin

The last CETIM bulletin of the year 2021 has just been published. Read it here in full. It deals among other things with the criminalisation of informal trade in Chile. As well as the binding treaty on transnational corporations that CETIM and its partners are defending at the UN.

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Press release – States resume historic UN negotiations amidst growing consensus on the need for binding regulations on transnational corporations and human rights

PRESS RELEASE 25 October 2021, Geneva- Today, United Nations member states resume negotiations in the seventh session of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group (OEIGWG) mandated to elaborate an international legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Michele Bachelet, opened […]

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States resume historic UN negotiations amidst growing consensus on the need for binding regulations on transnational corporations and human rights

PRESS RELEASE 25 October 2021, Geneva- Today, United Nations member states resume negotiations in the seventh session of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group (OEIGWG) mandated to elaborate an international legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Michele Bachelet, opened […]

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