Videos: Parallel conferences on Standing Rock and Corporate impunity


The CETIM and its partners organized two parallel conferences in the Palais des Nations in Geneva, on the occasion of the 35th session of the Human rights Council.

– “The “Water Protectors” from the Sioux tribe of Standing Rock Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) – fossil fuels versus indigenous rights”.

– ” The risks of corporate power concentration to human and peoples’ rights: the need for a binding treaty”.

The representatives of the “Water Protectors” from the Sioux tribe of Standing Rock came to Geneva, within the framework of their European tour.

During the conference, they explained the reality of the tragic situation lived by the natives because of the projects of fossil fuels relaunched by Trump’s administration, such as the oil pipelines Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) and Keystone XL.

They also required the disinvestment of funds committed by the banks in Geneva, in particular the Credit Suisse.

These projects, purely speculative, discredit the rights and put in danger the survival of the rare real Indians still living in the USA.
Furthermore, they are totally incompatible with a coherent climate protection policy.

The peaceful resistance of more than 10 ‘ 000 people, established under the administration of Obama, had allowed the suspension of the project DAPL. Thus, it is necessary to continue the fight, to inform the largest number and to be mobilized by their side to end the total impunity of multinationals and the States which go their way.

CETIM’s partners are Friends of the Earth International, Corporate Accountability International, Transnational Institute, La Via Campesina et Human Rights and Business Centre/UFJF (HOMA).

View the videos of the various speakers of the conferences (original versions without subtitles).
Water Protectors

Corporate Impunity

Also view the article appeared showing the peaceful demonstration of the ” Defenders of the Water ” in the main office of Credit Suisse

Categories Conferences HUMAN RIGHTS News Transnational Corporations