
The CETIM's action in terms of human rights is located at the interface between social movements and civil society organizations in the Global South and the United Nations human rights mechanisms based in Geneva. Through its campaigns, the CETIM supports the efforts of its partners to obtain new international human rights norms and participate in their development. Currently, the CETIM is involved in two campaigns at the United Nations: the campaign for a Declaration on the rights of peasants and the campaign for binding norms concerning the human rights responsibilities of transnational corporations. If you whish to stay informed on a regular basis about the CETIM's activities, do not hesitate, subscribe to our mailing list! Your support strengthens our determination...

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Current campaigns

A UN Declaration on the rights of peasants


In recent years, the CETIM has been firmly committed, together with La Vía Campesina, the international peasant movement comprising more than 164 organizations in 74 countries, to the adoption at the United Nations of a new international instrument to better protect the rights of peasants.

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Binding international norms on transnational corporations (TNCs)


The CETIM has long had a firm commitment to the adoption of binding international norms on transnational corporations (TNCs) to end impunity for the human rights violations that they commit. It is now deeply involved in a campaign to get a new binding instrument at the Human Rights Council, together with the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity (Global Campaign), which brings together more than 100 social movements and organizations as well as  a number of representatives of victims.

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Ended campaigns

For a Swiss Ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrants!
  During the first ‘Estates General’ body on asylum and migration in Berne (17-18 December 2005), the CETIM’s objective was to draw attention to the existence of international human rights treaties, especially the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW). It proposed to organise and to launch a national campaign aiming at the ratification of the ICRMW by Switzerland.
Israel's military offensive in Lebanon
STOP the deadly silence of the international community!
  CETIM and some NGOs convey to you the Call sent yesterday to Permanent Missions of U.N. States members in Geneva and New York. We hope that you will support this Call and you will intercede with your government and others political institutions.

Press Release: La Via Campesina, FIAN and CETIM are

pressuring the UN to give more attention to the rights of

peasants in the world

Peasants all over the world are struggling for their lives. Many have died trying to defend their land and local knowledge. Others have been arrested, terrorized, tortured and even killed in their struggle for life...
Press Release on the Commission on Human Rights 2006
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights met shortly in the morning of 13 March and decided by consensus (i.e. without vote) to postpone its session for one week. This is the first step to reduce the time of the session to two or three weeks and to limit its activities to a mere formality.
The pretext given for the postponement is that the General Assembly may be about to adopt the resolution establishing the Human Rights Council which is to replace the Commission...

Comments and Proposals by CETIM on the Reform of

the United Nations

CETIM responds to the report of the UN Secretary-General, Mr Kofi Annan, published last March. Of course, it is widely acknowledged that the UN is in need of reform. Nevertheless, it seems to us that the proposed reforms are inadequate because these proposals do not address any of the UN’s fundamental problems.
Press release: The water war continues in Bolivia! (pdf)
In a complaint lodged with the International Center for Settlement of Investment Related Disputes (ICSID) , the transnational corporation Abengoa is asking the Bolivian government for $25million in damages for breach of the 2002 Cochabamba water privatization contract by the Bolivian government - a breach made under pressure from the inhabitants of the region, who have established grass-roots management of the water...
Stop to the impunity of transnational corporations

Towards the pretentiousness of transnational corporations that continue acting despite and outside the law, it is the task of governments and relevant UN bodies to show their determination in accomplishing their mandates and their obligation to defend democracy and human rights...

No to the US Draft Resolution on Iraq!

A new British-American draft resolution giving a supposed sovereignty to Iraq is going to be submitted to the Security Council. This draft is unacceptable. It only perpetuates the neo-colonial status and the military occupation of Iraq...

No to the impunitiy of us citizens! 

The United-States requested the Security Council to renew resolution 1487 of 2003, which orders the International Criminal Court to restrain from undertaking inquiries or judgements against nationals of States that are not party to the Treaty of Rome...


Crime of agression against the Iraqui people,

Switzerland has to react!

2-week moblisation against WTO
Document only available in french and pdf
The Declaration on the right to development in danger!