Libertycide measures and anti-terrorist legislation

Since the events of September 2001, the United States, followed by numerous other countries, in particular those of the European Union, have adopted a series of measures and national laws dubbed "anti-terrorist". However, they in no way simply appeared out of the blue. For the most part, they consist of an extension of already existing repressive policies as well as anti-democratic draft legislation severely restricting personal freedom that was waiting in the wings in anticipation of the right moment. Exploiting emotion and confusion, the governments in question have pushed them through,

All these national norms share a common point: they maintain in a flux the definition of terrorism, allowing the label "terrorist" to be applied to all sorts of behavior having nothing to do with terrorist activity. To a greater or lesser degree, they abase the fundamental rights and guarantees of citizens, and especially those of foreigners, such as the right to redress, the right to privacy etc., and they increase the extra-judicial powers of the police and of the security and intelligence agencies. Further, they open the door to the criminalization of any movement of resistance to neo-liberal policies imposed by the powers that be, in keeping with an almost ubiquitous tendency. The so-called anti-terrorist fight has thus slipped neatly into place, reinforcing repression and removing all coherence from the exercise of basic civil and political rights that might be used to oppose the generalized practice of presenting citizens with ready-to-enforce policies from on high.

Statements at the UN
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Statements at the UN
We must not confuse the fight for democracy and the respect for human rights with “terrorism”. HRC 2006
La situación de los derechos humanos en Estados Unidos de América. Los fallos de la Corte Suprema del 28 de junio 2004. SCDH 2004
Les normes et les mesures contre le terrorisme à niveau international et régional et le respect des droits de l’homme: le Conseil de Sécurité et l'Union Européenne. CDH 2003
Les lois et les mesures contre le terrorisme à niveau national et le respect des droits civils et politiques. CDH 2003
Guerre contre le terrorisme et violation de la charte des Nations Unies. CDH 2002
Changing Asylum and Immigration Policies, the Threat to Democracy in the European Union after September 11 and the Situation of Kurdish Refugees in the UK. HRSC 2002
Lutte contre le terrorisme et respect des droits de l'homme. SCDH 2002
More related documents
Antiterrorist legislation in Europe and USA, War against terrorism : consequences on economic. social and cultural rights - CETIM and AAJ Conference-debat (documents in English and French), HRC 2002
Sites of partners

American Association of Jurists (AAJ)

Swiss association against impunity (TRIAL)

Other sites
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

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