Struggles for the Life Ground

These struggles are the struggles of indigenous peoples, and of peasants and small farmers in particular, to reaffirm their sovereignty over their environment, their natural resources and their way of life when faced with the stranglehold of transnational corporations that are often with the blessing of governments.

Statements at the UN
More related documents
Sites of partners
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Transboundary Transfers of Toxic Wastes and their Effect on Human Rights

CETIM report N°4 (2009)

Diversité biologique en péril. La nature sous licence ou le processus d'un pillage
V. SHIVA et al. (1994)
La sève de la colère: forêts en péril, du constat aux résistances
S. HECHT, P. HURST, J. LUTZENBERGER, V. SHIVA, préf. de M. Beaud (1990)
Nos déchets toxiques: l'Afrique a faim, "v'là nos poubelles!"
BRRI (1989)
Giftmüll: Afrika hungert, "da habt ihr unsern Dreck!"
BRRI (1989)
La biotechnologie & l'agriculture du tiers monde: espoir ou illusion
Statements at the UN
El Proyecto de Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA): una grave amenaza para los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales de los pueblos americanos. CDH 2003

El Proyecto de Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA): un arma letal contra los derechos de los pueblos americanos. CDH 2003

Situation des autochtones au Mexique et critique du «Plan Puebla-Panama». CDH 2002
Violations des droits humains au Brésil. CDH 2001
Violaciónes de derechos humanos en Brasil. CDH 2001
Use of Depleted Uranium Weaponry. HRC 2000
The Hurricane Mitch: beyond Natural Catastrophe. HRC 1999
La contamination des bases militaires occupées par les Etats-Unis au Panama. SCDH 1999
La contaminación de las bases militares ocupadas por los Estados Unidos en Panama. SCDH 1999
Situation des peuples autochtones en Colombie. SCDH 1999
Situación de poblaciones autochtonas Colombia. SCDH 1999
Droit à la terre des peuples autochtones en Colombie. SCDH 1998
More related documents
Adverse effects of the illicit movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products
and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights - Report by Special Rapporteur on toxic wastes. HRC 2004 (pdf)
Adverse effects of the illicit movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products
and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights - Report by Special Rapporteur on toxic wastes. HRC 2003 (pdf)
Adverse effects of the illicit movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products
and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights - Report by Special Rapporteur on toxic wastes. HRC 2002 (pdf)
Sites of partners
Friends of the Earth France
Greenpeace France

Movement Vía Campesina

Third World Network

Other sites
EcoRev' - Revue critique d'écologie politique
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Secretariat of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposaln