Activities and working methods of transnational corporations and their consequences on the enjoyment of human rights

Over the last fourty years, transnational corporations (TNSs) have acquired unprecedented power. Their activities now extend into every field (agro business, health, water, education, media etc.), often with catastrophic effects for the peoples whose lives they touch.

Statements at the UN

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Throughout the world, grass roots organizations and social movements are confronted by violations of human and environmental rights committed not only by governments but by corporations that, although in the private sector, are often more powerful than the governments.

Ordinarily, within a country, the victims of such crimes can seek redress and compensation through the judicial system. It is a known fact, however, that already at this level their complaints are often not heard.

But in the case of the TNCs, the matter becomes extremely complicated, for they have the peculiar ability to be both everywhere and nowhere. This allows them to escape from the purview of national legislation and assures them impunity most of the time.

As for the governments, they are more often preoccupied by "international competition" than by the promotion of the economic, social and cultural rights of their people, and they are very unlikely to exercise any effective control over the TNCs operating on or from their territory.

In reaction to this, numerous non-governmental organizations and social movements are fighting to impose accountability upon TNCs through the creation of a world wide, internationally recognized legal framework. The only legitimate instance where this can be done with success is the United Nations.

Moreover, given past experience with voluntary guidelines, this legal framework must be enforceable. Concomitantly, we are denouncing the parallel initiative of the Global Compact (a partnership between the UN and TNCs), for it diminishes the role of the UN, promotes the idea of à la carte law, and, far from combating violations of human rights, serves as a smoke screen and a good conscience for these corporations.

You will find in this file information on the efforts that we have undertaken with our partners.

Statements at the UN
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Your comments


Hold-up sur l'alimentation. Comment les sociétés transnationales contrôlent l’alimentation du monde, font main basse sur les terres et détraquent le climat


La propriété intellectuelle contre la biodiversité ? Géopolitique de la diversité biologique

CETIM (2011)

Transnational corporations and human rights

CETIM (2005)

ONU : droits pour tous ou loi du plus fort ? Regards militants sur les Nations Unies

Collectif (2005)

Building on Quiksand: The Global Compact, democratic governance and Nestlé
J. RICHTER (2003)
Proposed amendments for the Draft norms on responsibilities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to Human Rights of the Working Group on the transnational corporations
AAJ/CETIM (2003)
Will the UN compel Transnational Corporations to comply with International Human Rights Standards ?
AAJ/CETIM (2002)
The Activities of Transnational Corporations : The Need for a Legal Framework
AAJ/CETIM (2001)
Transnational Corporation and Human Rights. Case of Studies and responsabilities
AAJ/CETIM (2000)
Marchands de sang: un commerce dangereux
Collectif (1986)
Alcool et pouvoir des transnationales
La civilisation du sucre
A. IMFELD (1985)

L'empire Nestlé. Faits et méfaits d'une transnationale en Amérique latine

Pierre HARRISSON. Préface de Susan GEORGE (1983)

L'exportation du Swiss made: transfert de l'appareil de production industrielle dans le tiers monde
H. STETTER (1982)
Les médicaments et le tiers monde
A. NOVEMBER (1981)
Silence d'argent: la Suisse carrefour financier
U. HAYMOZ (1979)

Multinationales et droits de l'homme : exemple BBC-Brésil
Groupe alémanique "Campagne des Droits de l'Homme 78", Groupe Chili Genève

CETIM (1978)

Statements at the UN

Rapport annuel du Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général sur la question des droits de l’homme et les sociétés transnationales et autres entreprises (A/HRC/14/27).

CoDH 2010

A propos du rapport 2009 du Représentant spécial sur les sociétés transnationales

CoDH 2009

Rapport du représentant spécial M. Ruggie sur droits de l'homme et sociétés transnationales (2008). CoDH 2008
Evaluation du mandat du Représentant spécial sur la question des droits de l'homme et les sociétés transnationales. CoDH 2008
Observaciones al informe de John Ruggie sobre las empresas transnacionales. CoDH 2007
Human rights violations committed by transnational corporations in Colombia. HRC 2007
Commentaires sur le rapport du Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général sur les droits de l'homme et les sociétés transnationales. CoDH 2007
Rapport du Représentant spécial M. Ruggie sur droits de l'homme et sociétés transnationales (2006) CoDH 2006
Groupe de travail sur les sociétés transnationales et les Normes sur les responsabilités. SCDH 2006
Avenir du groupe de travail sur les sociétés transnationales. SCDH 2005
Groupe de travail sur les sociétés transnationales. SCDH 2005
Sociétés transnationales et droits humains. SCDH 2005
De la reconstruction à la privatisation de l'Irak. CDH 2005
Besoin de procédures internationales efficaces pour appliquer aux sociétés transnationales les normes en vigueur en matière de droits humains. CDH 2005
The role of big business in the Holocaust. HRC 2005
Sociétés transnationales: exemples de violations des droits humains (2004). SCDH 2004
Draft Norms on Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations approved by the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. CHR 2004
Critique du dernier projet du Groupe de travail sur les socétés transnationales. SCDH 2003
Transnational coprorations and human rights: critics of the draft norms of the Working Group. HRSC 2003
Violation des droits humains commises par des sociétés transnationales en Colombie. Le cas Nestlé. SCDH 2003
Violaciones de los derechos humanos cometidas por las empresas transnacionales en Colombia. El caso Nestlé. SCDH 2003
Intervention au groupe de travail sur les sociétés transnationales. SCDH 2002
Transnational Corporations and Human Rights. HRSC 2002
Working Group on the working methods and activities of transnational corporations of the Sub-Commission: at an impasse. HRSC 2002
La nécessité de l’encadrement juridique des activités des sociétés transnationales. SCDH 2001
Activities of the Working Group on Transnational Corporation of the HRSC. HRSC 2001
The participation of transnational corporations in the development and implementation of the Colombia Plan. CHR 2001
The responsibility of transnational companies in the violation of human rights. CHR 2001
Las actividades de las empresas transnacionales y los derechos humanos : necesidad de su encuadramiento juridico. CDH 2001
Transnational Corporations and legal Aspect. HRSC 2000
Relations between the United Nations and transnational corporations. HRSC 2000
Sociétés transnationales et respect des droits de l'homme. SCDH 2000
The Chad-Cameroon oil and pipeline project and its impact on the enjoyment of human rights. CHR 2000
Transnational Corporations (TNC) and Violations of Human Rights. HRSC 1999
Droit au Développement et attitude des Nations Unies envers les Sociétés transnationales. CDH 1999
United Nations, free Trade and Transnational Corporations. HRSC 1998
Sociétés transnationales, souveraineté des Etats et droits économiques, sociaux et culturels. SCDH 1996
International Organizations, Human Rights and Business. CHR 1996

More related  documents
Stop to the impunity of transnational corporations! CETIM and AAJ Campaign, HRSC 2004
Les multinationales bataillent pour éviter toute réglementation - Le Courrier 03/04/04 (pdf)
Transnational corporations and human rights - Conference-debat of CETIM and AAJ HRC 2004
Press Release from CETIM and AAJ on the Draft Norms on the Responsibilities of transnational corporations. HRC 2004 (pdf)
L'ONU fait un pas vers le contrôle des multinationales - Le Courrier 16/08/03 (pdf)
Responsibilities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights - HRSC resolution 2003 (pdf)
Report of the sessional working group on the working methods and activities of transnational corporations on its fifth session - Working Group Document, HRSC 2003 (pdf)
Norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights - Working Group Document, HRSC 2003 (pdf)
Commentary on the Norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations and
other business enterprises with regard to human rights - Working Group Document, HRSC 2003 (pdf)
Economic, social and cultural rights. Note by the secretariat - HRSC Document 2002 (list the world’s 100 largest transnational corporations in 1999 by UNCTAD) (pdf)
The effects of the working methods and activities of transnational corporations
on the enjoyment of human rights - HRSC resolution 2001 (pdf)
Principles relating to the human rights conduct of companies. Working paper prepared by Mr. David Weissbrodt (Introduction) - HRSC 2000 (pdf)
Proposed draft human rights code of conduct for companies. Working paper prepared by Mr. David Weissbrodt (Addendum. Draft human rights code of conduct for companies with source materials) - HRSC 2000 (pdf)
Working document on the impact of the activities of transnational corporations on the realization of economic, social and cultural rights - HRSC 1998 (pdf)
The relationship between the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development, and the working methods and activities of transnational corporations - HRSC resolution 1998 (that sets up the Working Group) (pdf)
Sites of partners

Seminar organized by CETIM, Ritimo and Transnational Institute

Seminar on Transnational Corporations in an era of Crises: New Strategies & Challenges (July 2011)

Attac France
Corporate Accountability International
Bern Declaration
FIAN international
Transnational Institute (TNI)
Réseau-Solidarité de la fédération Peuples Solidaires
Other sites
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)