United States interventions and military strikes

In recent years, the United States has increased its unilateral military interventions in the name of preventive war, in particular in Afghanistan and in Iraq, without the authorization of the international community, taking the United Nations hostage. By so doing, the United States violates with impunity international norms and the Charter of the United Nations and so constitutes a very real threat to international peace and security.

As for the UN, it has been dangerously weakened by the immobility of other governments confronted by actions leading to war.

The CETIM denounces the use of force involving both violations of international law and the tacit acceptance of such violations by other countries. Such countries become complicit when they do not openly condemn these violations nor make any effort to sanction them, contenting themselves with conniving, on the pretext of "avoiding the worst", all while harboring the secret hope of obtaining some of the booty.

Statements at the UN
More related  documents
Sites of partners
Other sites
Your comments


ONU : droits pour tous ou loi du plus fort ? Regards militants sur les Nations Unies
Joint publication (2005)
Statements at the UN
From the Reconstruction to the Privatization of Iraq. HRC 2005
The situation in Iraq, since the recent invasion, is characterized by an accumulation of human rights violations, without precedent, since the end of the second world war. HRC 2005
Situation des droits de l'homme en Irak. HRC 2005
Interventions militaires unilatérales: l'ONU se doit de réagir!  HRSC 2004

La situación de los derechos humanos en Estados Unidos de América. Los fallos de la Corte Suprema del 28 de junio 2004. HRSC 2004

El juzgamiento de los crímenes cometidos durante la agresión contra Irak: un test crucial para el Tribunal Penal Internacional. HRC 2004
Sanción y castigo de los crímenes contra el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y el derecho internacional humanitario. HRC 2004
A propos de l'intervention étatsunienne en Iraq. HRC 2003
La pretensión de darle apariencia de legalidad internacional a la dominación neocolonial, a la ocupación extranjera y a la violación del derecho de los pueblos a su libre determinación. HRC 2003

Guerre contre le terrorisme et violation de la charte des Nations Unies. HRC 2002

Critique de la Commission d’indemnisation des Nations unies pour l’Irak. HRSC 2001
Use of Depleted Uranium Weaponry. HRC 2000
More related  documents

The present situation of human rights in Iraq

Report of the UN High Commissioner for human rights - HRC 2005 (.pdf)

No to the US Draft Resolution on Iraq!

Campaign from CETIM and AAJ - 06/2004

NO to Impunity of US Citizens!

Campagne from CETIM and AAJ - 06/2004

"La guerre en Irak sonnera-t-elle le glas de l'ONU ?"
Article from CETIM in the Swiss newspaper Le Courrier - 11/04/2003 (.pdf)

"Crime d'agression contre le peuple iraquien, la Suisse se doit de réagir !"

Appel au Conseil fédéral, aux élus et aux médias - 04/2003
"Die Agression gegen das irakische Volk ist ein Verbrechen, die Schweiz muss reagieren !"

Appell an den Bundesrat, die Volksvertreter/innen und die Medien - 04/2003

Security Council Resolution 1472 (2003) about the "oil-for-food" program - SC 2003 (.pdf)

Consecuencias de la guerra colonial contra el pueblo iraqui

Spoken statement from AAJ - HRC 2003 (available only in Spanish and .pdf version)

Le droit à l'alimentation en temps de conflit armé : le cas de l'Irak

Remarques préléminaires du Rapporteur spécial de l'ONU sur le droit à l'alimentation - HRC 2003 (only in French and pdf version)

"Commission des droits de l'homme : le mutisme est de mise !"

Press release from CETIM - 27/03/2003 (.pdf)

Appel d'ONG durant la Commission des droits de l'homme. HRC 2003 (.pdf)
Sub-Commission on Human Rights working document on the adverse consequences of the economic sanctions - HRC 2000 (.pdf)
The relationship between economic sanctions and respect for economic, social and cultural rights. General Observations N°8 - CESCR 1997 (pdf)
Sites of partners
American Association of Jurists (AAJ)
Swiss association against impunity (TRIAL)
Centre Tricontinental (CETRI)
Focus on the Global South
Alternative Media and see their file: "the Right to life of Civilian Populations: Dreadful effects of the economic sanctions imposed upon the entire Iraqi society since 1990..." - 05/2003
Other sites
Red Cross International Committee (CICR)

“Food-for-Oil” program

Official site of the UN about Iraq

Association de solidarité avec les victimes de la guerre contre l'Irak

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