

For more than 40 years, the CETIM intercede on various numerous issues. This section of our website introduces them to you through files classified in 2 subdivisions: our priority issues, which are the principal topics of our publications and of our work at the UN and elsewhere; the current issues, which, as their name indicates, are linked to present events or situations.

Each of these files refers not only to publications and/or interventions of the CETIM, but also to other analytical tools that we consider interesting to suggest you on our website such as reports of our conferences or seminaries, books, press articles and partner organizations or United Nations bodies' reports. Finally, we suggest you some links to partner organizations' websites that deal with the issue in question.

Priority issues:


Resistance to neo-liberal globalization and to the commodifcation of the world: Critical analyses of regional economic agreements


Current issues:

  United States interventions and military strikes
  Libertycide measures and anti-terrorist legislation

We whish these files to be the most interactive and complete possible. Your suggestions, remarks and commentaries are welcome.

  Your comments